17th September 2021
On June 25, the ten selected students from VET schools in Albania traveled to Italy for one month mobility hosted by Uniser, in the framework of the INTERVET WB project. This project is the first of its kind in Westerns Balkans countries therefore it has a special importance for the VET system in Albania and other countries of the Western Balkans. For one month the students had the opportunity of doing internships in different companies in the city of Bologna where they had the opportunity to learn new things, live new experiences and discover a new culture. Immediately upon the arrival, the students were accommodated on campus, they were introduced to the rules and procedures they had to follow during their stay.
During their mobility, they had the chance of getting to know each other as well as to socialize with students from other European countries living in the campus who were also doing their mobility in Bologna. This way of living away from home, sharing common spaces and organizing their living themselves gave these young people the opportunity to become more responsible, learn to live with others, and be more independent.
Some testimonials from students about mobility
This first mobility consisted of a group of very enthusiastic and prepared students who received and offered very interesting experiences in the companies where they worked. They told us all about their mobility in Bologna, Italy.
Enzo Radovani, Electronic, Vocational High School “Don Bosko”, Tirana
“Believe me, I would give everything to try this experience again. These mobilities are great opportunities that should be considered by Albanian youth. In addition to traveling abroad, unforgettable moments are spent which remain long in the mind. I feel happy for myself that got the courage and desire to try a new experience and I would suggest to each student from VET schools to take advantage of such opportunities and not to reject them, but to use them as much as possible. In addition to professional experience during this period I have gained many social skills that will serve me in daily life. I also created new friendships and faced a different culture. The lessons learned from this mobility are an added value in my daily life. Every student has to face such an experience and challenge all the fears and difficulties they feel before moving abroad.”
Daniel Doçi, Vocational High School ‘Gjergj Canco’, Tirana
“By being part of this mobility, I lived amazing experiences that have greatly enhanced my professional skills and my soft skills. In addition to work culture and new professional skills I learned a lot in other fields such as communication, behavior, time management or beyond my field’s professional skills such as presentation, foreign languages, cooking or details from the professional fields of friends. Having the opportunity to learn from the best and experience one work ethic by European standards is truly an extraordinary experience.”
Imirjon Boci, Vocational High School ‘Ali Myftiu, Elbasan
“The main reason of applying for this mobility was the chance to work and live in a European country or as it was introduced to us at the beginning ‘a chance to go out of your comfort zone’. This mobility gave me great values not only for my profession as I managed to get to know but and for my life as well. Living in the city like Bologna, was very much different from the city I come from and this mobility taught me how to adapt to another country, with other people, with a different lifestyle. I would like to suggest to all the other students to apply for those mobilities. At the beginning I was skeptical as usual, but I would say that an experience like this can be life changing. I will never forget a single moment of it!”
Eldri Mezini, Vocational High School ‘Herman Gmeiner, Tirana
“I am grateful to all the people who made this experience possible and gave me this opportunity. I believe this mobility is one of the most important employment and living experiences that a young person can have. From this experience I have learnt the basics of living abroad, learning to adapt to other cultures, get to know where you live, live in a dormitory where things are mostly done alone. I suggest these mobilities to any young person who feels ready for a new adventure, because you will learn a lot and it will be an unforgettable experience.”

Shefiklit Hoxha, Vocational High School ‘Ali Myftiu, Elbasan
“The reason why I considered this mobility important is due to the fact that in a foreign country you face an unfamiliar culture where you need to adapt or study in detail and try to be part of it. From this mobility I learned more than I expected. I learned how to adapt and live with people that I did not know before. I would suggest to any person who would has the the opportunity to participate in these mobilities as he would learn a lot. They can be skilled in many different areas of life, can go out of the comfort zone and there will change and understand that the world is very different from what anyone could have imagined!”
Alehandro Alia, Vocational School “Hysen Cela”, Durres
“At first, this mobility is quite important for the students who want to go beyond their comfort zone and experience something new. And when I say new, everything will be new to you. The food, the culture, the language, the people so you should be ready for that. This mobility is quite important because of the work opportunity and skill development that it can give you. It will prepare you to have some kind of (necessary) experience for when you come back to your home country. And my third reason, would be life skills in general. You get to do groceries, cook, and do laundry by your own. It may seem weird to some, but this will prepare you for what it means to live alone/group one day. I would HIGHLY recommend you apply to “INTERVET WB” Calls! It is a once-in- a-lifetime opportunity that you mustn’t lose!”