9th August 2023

INTERVET WB is coming to an end and it’s time to move on. The project aimed to introduce the culture of learning mobility into the vocational education and training systems of the participating Western Balkan countries by developing systems and procedures that would allow the organisation of work placements abroad for more than 400 students and job shadowing and training experiences for 200 teachers.

The feedback that INTERVET received in the countries from which the participants were sent (Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, North Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia) was extremely positive, so we started working with some of the schools from Serbia and North Macedonia to help them implement Erasmus+ experiences. In addition, the two partners from Bosnia and Herzegovina and Albania started to host Erasmus students from EU countries.

Now we are in the last year of the project and we are organising the final conference that will take place in Brussels on 26 September 2023 at the headquarters of the Emilia-Romagna Region in Brussels (21, rue Montoyer, B-1000). The conference aims to give relevance to the great results of the project and to launch a call for action to extend participation in Erasmus+ as programme countries to Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo and Montenegro. 

Several keynote speakers will take part in the conference and we hope to offer an interesting moment of discussion for everyone interested in promoting the implementation of international internship experiences in the six Western Balkans countries.

See Intervet WB final conference agenda

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