27 March 2020
The kickoff meeting of the project INTERVET Western Balkans was held on 24-25 March 2020 and it took place online. The meeting was attended by all 14 project partners and Albert Sese-Ballart, Policy Officer for the Western Balkans in DG EAC, connecting over 50 people together. As coordinator of the project, UNISER moderated the two-days web event.
The first day opened with the welcome speech by Albert Sese-Ballart, Policy Officer for the Western Balkans in DG EAC and was followed by the presentation of Andrea Lombardi, CEO of Uniser, focusing on the reasons why the project is going to change VET systems in Western Balkans.
Annalisa Palano, Head of the Unit Outgoing Mobility at Uniser, then provided an overview of the whole project, whose main goal is to introduce the culture of learning mobility in Western Balkans VET systems to improve the employability of students. Thanks to INTERVET WB, over 500 mobilities will be implemented overall:
- 56 PRO-type mobilities of 3 months (for recent graduates and apprentices)
- 360 mobilities of one month (for high school students)
- 54 job shadowing experiences (for teachers)
- participation of 36 teachers in summer schools
The meeting continued with panels with project partners from Western Balkans:
Albanian Skills (AL), International University of Sarajevo (BA), Pristina REA (KS), NCDIEL (MK), Chamber of Economy Montenegro (ME), Chamber of Commerce Serbia (RS), followed by European VET Excellencies: SEPR (FR), MCAST (MT), Da Vinci College (NL), EfVET (BE) and finally the hosting partners: MODE (PL), ZNI (SL), INCOMA (ES).
Before concluding day 1 of INTERVET WB kickoff meeting, the GANTT and organisational chart of the project were also presented to all project partners.
The second day of the meeting was opened by the presentation of the project website, followed by parallel working groups discussions:
- sending partners
- hosting partners
- VET excellences
- administration
During the afternoon section, Paola Saini, Uniser R&D officer presented the Quality plan to the partners, followed by Valentina Chanina, EfVET Project & Office Manager, who outlined the Dissemination plan of the project.
After partners had time to exchange views and to ask questions, the meeting was concluded with the summary of INTERVET WB next steps.