


Uniser is a cooperative offering learning mobility services since 1998. We design and organize international mobility programs for VET learners, aiming at turning Erasmus into the future of training systems and business sector. Every year, Uniser gives thousands of people the chance to work and train abroad: they will go back home with a much larger suitcase, full of a new professional, linguistic and cultural experiences.

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EfVET is one of the leading European-wide professional associations which has been created by, and for, Vocational Education and Training (VET) providers. EfVET represents directly the views of its members on VET issues to all the European Union Institutions and Bodies and responds to all appropriate consultation processes. EfVET offers a network of, and for, professionals to foster connections between researchers, business people, and practitioners in Vocational Education and Training and lifelong learning.

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INCOMA dedicates itself to the mobility of people for educational purposes as well as developing research programmes for the exchange of good practices between educational, always within the framework of the European Commission. Our activity is devoted to transfer knowledge at EU and/or international level and to the development of projects targeting groups at risk of exclusion or with special difficulties to enter the job market, such as young people, women or migrants.

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Move and Develop Foundation is an organization focused on providing educational opportunities and fostering mobility among young people and adults with special focus on the preparation of the beneficiaries for the challenges of the labour market. Other important goals include promoting active citizenship and civil society, entrepreneurship, European integration, equality, volunteering and dissemination of core European values. We are based in Wrocław, Poland, where many of the organization’s local activities are conducted, but also actively act outside the city.

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ZNI is a private institute from Slovenia with 15 years of experience in the development and implementation of various international mobility projects and exchanges. Within the framework of Erasmus+ and other EU programs we are organizing work placement’s mobilities abroad for Slovenian students, and work placements in businesses across Slovenia for international candidates. The main objective of these programmes is personal and professional development of candidates in international and multicultural environment. We are cooperating with many international partners and local businesses.

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SEPR trains each year nearly 4,000 learners, from EQF level 3 to level 6, in 6 excellence hubs. SEPR offers vocational trainings within different pathways: full time study, apprenticeship and continuous training, and comprises almost 300 teaching and not-teaching staff. It is the first vocational training centre of the Auvergne Rhône-Alpes area and among the biggest in France. SEPR has been developing European and international activities for over 30 years and works in partnership with 40 training centres and organizations all around the world.

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Da Vinci College is a regional VET College offering vocational courses in Technology, Media, Business, Entrepreneurship, Health and Care together with (in)-company training and education for adults. Apart from this, we offer general secondary education for adults, and integration courses. Our University of Applied Sciences has bachelor and post-bachelor training and associate degree programmes. Da Vinci College distinguishes itself through its hybrid educational concept: through integration of learning at school and in the workplace, we aim to make the learning environment of our students as realistic as possible.

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The Malta College of Arts, Science and Technology (MCAST) is the largest vocational institution in Malta. The main role of the College is to provide vocational education and training to young people in order to satisfy the requirements of the local industry. The College is made up of 6 Institutes which cover areas of Information and Communication Technology, Business Management and Commerce, Engineering and Transport, Creative Arts, Community Services and Applied Sciences (including Agriculture and Aquatics). MCAST offers Vocational Education and Training (VET) full-time and qualifications from EQF Levels 1 to 7.

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Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Serbia (CCIS) is a national association of all Serbian businesses with over 160 years of tradition and more than 120 000 members. It is established with a view of articulating and supporting common interests of the Serbian business community. CCIS is partner in all major projects oriented towards reform and modernization in the fields of education and employment in Serbia. CCIS’s Department for Dual Education is linking business and formal educational system aiming to establish education based on learning outcomes in line with economy needs.

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Albanian Skills (AS) is a skills promotion and development platform in Albania. Through this unique initiative, with the organization of this country’s yearly Skills Competitions and Skills Week, Albanian Skills aims to improve the recognition and the status of practical vocational education in the Business Environment and Society of Albania. Furthermore additional initiatives and projects of AS, serve to increase the learning and employment opportunities particularly among young  generations, but also in any other group age in general.

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Chamber of Economy of Montenegro is a business association with rich tradition, independent, professional, creative, inventive and above all authoritative, represents interests of all businessmen for the economic and overall development of the state of Montenegro. It is structured after the European tradition of chamber organization, with compulsory membership and scope of activities determined by Law on the Chamber of Economy of Montenegro. Chamber is governed by its members through their representatives in the Chamber and forms of work organization in the Chamber.

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IUS Lifelong Learning Center (IUS Life) operates under the umbrella of the International University of Sarajevo (IUS) and has been involved in the academic development Bosnia and Herzegovina and region. Since its establishment, IUS Life has sought to offer different programs of personal and professional development to students, career-focused professionals, job seekers with non-competitive skills and the public in general. English Language School (ELS), an integral part of IUS Life, accredited by EAQUALS is a unique English language school in the region.

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Prishtina REA has been established (2001) to provide in a professional and cost effective manner technical support, advisory services and business training services to Youth, Education-VET, Employment-Startups, SMEs, entrepreneurs, local & central level government institutions in Kosovo and as promoter of local economic development. Prishtina REA is COSME EEN Kosovo partner. Prishtina REA understands itself as a change agent for the start, growth and consolidation of autochthonous organizations.

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NCDIEL, established in 2009, is Macedonian NGO that promote and support development of innovation and entrepreneurial learning, with the aim to decrease unemployment through creation of new innovative start-ups and strengthening the SMEs sector in the country. NCDIEL works with universities, schools, businesses, clusters, national and regional authorities, donors, NGOs and many other local and international partners in order to ensure sustainable economic development.

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